Zscaler's ThreatLabz team has uncovered a sophisticated cyber espionage campaign, dubbed SPIKEDWINE, which targets European diplomats using a malware known as WINELOADER. The discovery...
In a groundbreaking post on ANY.RUN's Cybersecurity Blog, software engineer and malware analyst Mizuho (@morimolymoly2 on X) reported an in-depth look at the DCRat...
What is Backporting?
Transferring code changes or features from a newer version of software or system to an older version is known as backporting. When...
What is Active Directory?
Active Directory, a directory service created by Microsoft, is utilized for the management and organization of resources in a network setting....
Today, in our interconnected world, cyber threats are always changing, as attackers grow more advanced and persistent in their quest for valuable information.
One of...