ICA Hacker Group Named on the BreachForums

A new hacker group known as the “ICA Group” has been announced on BreachForums.

The announcement, made by a user named Ayla, signals the formation of a collective that embraces cybercrime, hacktivism, and even cyberterrorism.

The group is actively recruiting individuals with specific skills and interests.

Recruitment Criteria and Ideology

According to reports from Dark Web Informer, the ICA Group’s recruitment message outlines several requirements for potential members.

Prospective recruits must demonstrate high intelligence (IQ), and operational security (OPsec), and provide proof of past leaks or cyber activities.

The group operates with minimal rules but emphasizes discretion, particularly in avoiding actions that could attract law enforcement attention, colloquially referred to as “getting fedded.

“A unique aspect of the ICA Group’s recruitment message is its cultural touchstones, which include an expressed affection for cats and spiders.

This quirky requirement highlights the group’s attempt to create a distinct identity within the hacker community.

Current Membership and Communication

The ICA Group has already identified four core members: Ayla, Sukob, prx, and Wrenchist.

These individuals are likely well-versed in various aspects of cybercrime and are positioned as leaders or key figures within the group.

Communication with the group is facilitated through private messages via privnote.com, a platform known for its self-destructing messages that enhance privacy and security.

The group’s announcement also hints at plans to establish its domain, suggesting ambitions to expand its operations or create a dedicated platform for its activities.

The emergence of the ICA Group on BreachForums raises concerns about potential cyber threats.

Given their openness to hacktivism and cyberterrorism, the group could pose significant risks to various sectors, including critical infrastructure, financial institutions, and governmental agencies.

The group’s promise not to target certain countries—details of which are shared only with serious members—adds an additional layer of intrigue and complexity to their operations.

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