
AIRASHI Botnet Targets 0DAY Vulnerabilities in Massive DDoS Attacks

The AISURU botnet which was first observed in August 2024 emerged as a potent threat to online services that culminates in a devastating DDoS...

New Botnet Exploits DNS Flaw to Deliver Malware

An advanced botnet that launches widespread spam campaigns by utilizing a vast network of Mikrotik routers that have been compromised.  For the purpose of gaining...

New Botnet Exploits D-Link Routers for Remote Control

Researchers observed increased activity from Mirai variant "FICORA" and Kaiten variant "CAPSAICIN" botnets in late 2024 that exploited known vulnerabilities in D-Link devices, such...

BADBOX Botnet Hacks 74,000 Android Devices with Custom Codes

Researchers recently uncovered a resurgence of the BADBOX botnet, a sophisticated cybercriminal operation infecting Android devices like TVs and smartphones with malware.  This botnet, previously...

Water Barghest Botnet Hacks 20,000+ IoT Devices

Proxy botnets, established by both state and non-state actors, provide anonymity for malicious activities, like VPNFilter, Cyclops Blink, SOHO, and Ubiquiti EdgeRouter botnets, which...


